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American Horror Story: The Best Characters Ranked (Seasons 1-9)

While we wait for AHS Season 10, Ryan and Greg rank their top 10 favorite American Horror Story characters of all time.

AHS has had its share of memorable characters, thanks to the performances of the show's stellar cast. Murder House gave us Constance Langdon. Asylum gave us Sister Jude, Sister Mary Eunice, and Kit Walker. Coven gave us Cordelia Goode, Marie Laveau, Madame Delphine LaLaurie, Queenie, Madison Montgomery, Fiona Goode, and Myrtle Snow. Freak Show gave us Twisty, Chester Creb and Dandy Mott. Hotel gave us Liz Taylor and Sally McKenna. Cult gave us Kai Anderson. But where do they all rank on our lists? Watch the video above to find out!

We're also going to do more character rankings in the future spotlighting specific actors. Jessica Lange? Sarah Paulson? Evan Peters? Let us know who we should focus on first in the comments!