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Check Out PS4 Multiplayer Gameplay Of Guacamelee 2

Watch us team up with developer DrinkBox and play through an early level of the upcoming Metroidvania-style beat-'em-up.

When it first debuted back in 2013, DrinkBox's lucha libre platformer Guacamelee quickly captured players' attention by mixing 2D beat-'em-up gameplay with Metroidvania-style exploration through vibrant levels inspired by Mexican culture. For the sequel, Guacamelee 2, the studio is doubling down on all the elements that made the original title so beloved, refining its mechanics, expanding its multiplayer options, and significantly increasing its chicken quota.

We recently got a chance to go hands-on with Guacamelee 2. This time, the game takes place several years after the events of the first. After defeating the evil Carlos Calaca, Juan Aguacate is living out his days in peace with his family. However, that peace is soon broken when Juan's friend and trainer, Uay Chivo, brings word of a new evil that threatens to destroy the very fabric of time and space.

Juan dons his luchador mask once again and sets out to stop this new menace. Like its predecessor, Guacamelee 2 is a Metroid-inspired side-scrolling brawler. This time around, DrinkBox says the game is roughly 40% bigger than the first and features four-player co-op play. It also introduces some new gameplay mechanics, most notably a chicken transformation, which allows players to explore small spaces and dash.

In the video above, you can watch us team up with the developers and play through the one of the earliest levels in the game. The demo took us through the opening portion of the adventure, culminating in a fight against El Mineco, one of the new bosses in Guacamelee 2. You can also see us tear through hordes of enemies as giant chickens.

Guacamelee 2 is coming to PS4 and PC. DrinkBox hasn't announced a solid release date just yet, but the game is slated to arrive sometime this year.