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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty's Biggest Changes

Phantom Liberty is the latest expansion to Cyberpunk 2077, bringing a spy-thriller to the series. Jake and Jean-Luc had a chance to spend 1 1/2 hours with Phantom Liberty and these are their thoughts.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty sees the president of the USA's orbital shuttle shot down into Night City. V gets tangled up in this, and you'll find yourself attempting to save her as you discover a story of espionage and political intrigue. While Phantom Liberty includes a new area to explore, new quests, tech, and gear - it also has updates to the police system, a more for Keanu Reeves, and additions to cybernetics. The update is a huge update, and feels like it will bring new life to Cyberpunk and revives its DNA.