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Diablo 4 New Environmental Gameplay Showcase

In this latest Diablo IV Quarterly update we get a glimpse of a few different locations in the game. This includes the 3 locations: the Scosglen Coast, Orbei Monastery, Kyovoshad. As well as Dungeons of Sanctuary including: the Forgotten Places in the World, Wretched Caves, and the Flooded Depths.

With the Scosglen coast the Environment Art team set out to tell the story of untamed, wild shorelines and headlands. For The Orbei Monastery is an isolated and secretive feature in the rural Dry Steppes, and with Kyovoshad the team really wanted to drive home the idea that this medieval settlement feels oppressive, frigid, and harsh. With the Forgotten Places in the world this dungeon tile-set is an example of how we have ‘returned to darkness.’ We want to take you deep underground to the darkest recesses of Sanctuary, where a mysterious corruption has taken root. The Wretched Caves is a dungeon that features a hidden druid resting site overrun with demons. As you travel through the dungeon, you'll see that it is covered with many druidic cultural items, such as talismans and charms. Finally the Flooded Depths is a swampy ruin perfect for the drowned to move in and fortify themselves deep below. You'll have to fight your way through their defenses and climb across the rope to transition deeper into the flooded ruined tile-set.

The environments of Diablo IV cover a lot of the various areas and visuals of the game including: five distinct regions and hundreds of dungeons that you will experience. This is where all the monster-slaying, loot gathering, and exploration happens. This is all made possible by the collective efforts of our talented designers, worldbuilders, engineers, environment artists, lighting artists, and technical artists.