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Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Persona 5, Sonic, And More Remade In Dreams

In this video we take a look at some of the best video game recreations in Dreams that we've come across while Dream Surfing in Media Molecule's latest title.

Dreams isn't just a game--it's also an amazing platform that lets your imagination run wild, and players can create their own art, music, and even full game experiences. Naturally people will try to recreate or pay homage to their favorite game series using Dreams, and some of the results are insanely impressive.

In the video above, Ben Janca and Jean-Luc Seipke look at some of the coolest video game recreations we’ve seen in Dreams so far. Bummed that Final Fantasy VII Remake got delayed? Don’t worry, someone’s got you covered. Can’t get enough of Sonic the Hedgehog? There are multiple Sonic games in Dreams to help you get your fix. Big fan of Persona 5? Well, oh boy, do we have a Dreams creation for you.

Dreams is being updated with incredible and interesting new creations daily, so we naturally didn’t get to cover everything in this video. If you have a recommendation for a fantastic Dreams creation we can cover in the future, let us know in the comments below.