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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH - Official Gameplay Overview Video

A special gameplay video presented by Director Naoki Hamaguchi was revealed, showing how this game has been designed.

Many features including the vast world map where Cloud and his friends go on their new journey are showcased with newly revealed footage. Please look forward to the new experiences that this title will bring.

The Unknown Journey Continues...

After escaping from the mako powered city of Midgar, Cloud and his friends have broken the shackles of fate and set out on a journey into untracked wastelands. New adventures await in a vast and multifaceted world, sprinting across grassy plains on a Chocobo and exploring expansive environments.

Players wishing to experience the FINAL FANTASY VII remake project so far can pre-order the Twin Pack, which includes FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE, the graphically enhanced and expanded version of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.