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Ghost Recon Breakpoint Immersive Mode Update: Everything You Need To Know In Under 2 Minutes

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is adding Immersive mode, challenging you to play with limited resources and no weapon leveling. Here's everything you need to know about the free update--and look for Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher too.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is getting a new Immersive mode in its next update. Immersive mode limits your health regeneration, resources, and HUD, and eliminates the tiered loot system. You'll customize the same on or two primary firearms throughout your journey, unless you loot new weapons from fallen enemies.

Immersive mode is one of three ways to play through the game via the Ghost Experience, Ubisoft's official title for the new update. Another way to play is Regular mode, which is the Breakpoint you're used to. Finally, Custom mode lets you tweak a series of rules including injury risk from enemy bullets, number of bandages you can carry, and availability of Maria's Shop. These are detailed in the video above.

The Ghost Experience update is planned for a March 24 release date on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. That's the same day Splinter Cell crosses over with the franchise again.