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Ghostwire: Tokyo Video Preview

A hands-off preview of Ghostwire: Tokyo suggests the game includes some of the things Tango Gameworks is known for, but demonstrates the developer striking off in a new direction.

Developer Tango Gameworks is best known for horror games, and that might skew perceptions of its upcoming title, Ghostwire: Tokyo. After all, both its previous games, The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2, fall squarely into the survival horror genre, with the first directed by studio founder Shinji Mikami--the creator of Resident Evil. But while Ghostwire: Tokyo was described as "spooky" by former director Ikumi Nakamura on stage during E3 2019 when it was first announced, Ghostwire: Tokyo doesn't seem like a game that's likely to scare you. Instead, it seems like an indication that Tango Gameworks is venturing into different areas than what players might expect.