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God of War Ragnarok Director Breaks Down Biggest Moments

We chat with the director of God of War Ragnarok, Eric Williams, about everything in the story, from the fate of its large cast of characters to the game's ending. Spoilers ahead.

Listen to the full uncut interview on the GameSpot After Dark podcast:

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This video contains heavy spoilers for God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarok had a daunting task ahead of it: not only did it have to wrap up a sprawling tale of fate, prophecy, and parenthood in a neat bow, but do it all under the looming presence of the end of the world, at least, in Norse mythology. But succeed it did, with many fans and critics (including GameSpot's own Tamoor Hussain, who awarded the game a 9/10) praising the ending, and the path Kratos and Atreus took to get there.

God of War Ragnarok's director, Eric Williams, joins Tamoor Hussain and Lucy James to discuss the game's ending at length, and we're not kidding when we tell you that this video contains spoilers. We discuss Tyr's important role in the game, Odin's plans and his relationship with his family, and that all important ending: Ragnarok itself.

We touch upon many other topics, including the death of a beloved character, Freya's role in the whole saga, and the ups and downs of parenthood.

For more God of War Ragnarok, make sure to check out some of our other videos, including our review, best tips, and more.