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Hitman 2 - How The Magic Briefcase Works

One of Hitman 2's new features is that Agent 47 can take a briefcase into a mission containing a multitude of weapons and gadgets, what's unexpected however is how that briefcase works in the game, appearing to have the magical property of being able to home into someone's head.

Like its predecessors, Hitman 2 is a game that provides you with a wide range of ways to kill your targets. You can stealthily and creatively pull off kills without ever being detected, or you can take a more direct route and assault whomever gets in your way. In either case, you're likely to pick up objects you find throughout the world which can then be thrown to knock out or kill people. And while its primary purpose is quite different, this is also true of Agent 47's trusty briefcase, often with hilarious results.

You see, the briefcase is primarily intended as a way of smuggling weapons (like a sniper rifle, which would otherwise be visible and thus attract unwanted attention) around the map. But no differently than a knife, soda can, or most anything else you can carry, it can be thrown--yet whereas a knife might believably fly through the air, the briefcase is both funny and devastating.

In the video above, GameSpot's Dave Jewitt takes a look at this delightful discovery by players and goes straight to the source, developer IO Interactive, to discuss whether this was intentional or not. He also inquires about plans that might be in place to alter this functionality, but the studio isn't talking about that just yet.

Hitman 2 is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and it delivers the same sort of stellar stealth-action gameplay as its predecessor, as you can read about in our Hitman 2 review. If you own the first game, you can actually import its missions into the new game to play them with its various improvements. Those levels are also available as a separate DLC purchase.