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How Call Of Duty Warzone Is Constantly Evolving

Call of Duty Warzone devs join us to talk about the creation of new modes and content, tease what's in store for the future, and give a little insight on how they handle player toxicity and cheating.

Call Of Duty: Warzone, Infinity Ward’s battle royale shooter, released in March of 2020 and is going into season 5 in August. Activision is also expected to publish the rumored Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War title later this year which is being made by Treyarch. It’s unclear at this stage if Cold War’s multiplayer will include or tie into Warzone, but it would make sense for it to return in some fashion.

This interview with Amos Hodge, Joe Cecot, and Geoffrey Smith covers the evolution of Warzone from season one to four, game modifiers, contracts, gun balancing, limited-time modes, and seasonal events. We also discuss the challenge of toxicity and keeping Warzone relevant with further releases of Call Of Duty.

Warzone is one of the many multiplayer modes in Call Of Duty: Modern warfare. Warzone has also experimented with limited timed variations including increasing the player count to 200 and a mode where players fight over juggernaut suits. Modern Warfare is currently out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Warzone is also available standalone and free-to-play.