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I Heart Red Dead Redemption 2 (ft. Jake Baldino, Brandon Jones, and More!)

Red Dead Redemption 2, the prequel to Rockstar's beloved Red Dead Redemption, features a number of brand new faces - like Arthur Morgan, and plenty of familiar ones - like fan favorite John Marston. Red Dead 2 has become notable for its compelling characters and incredible story it weaves.

Join Jake Baldino of gameranx, Brandon Jones of Easy Allies, Jared Petty of Kinda Funny, Gav Murphy of RKG, Lucy James of Giant Bomb, Cade Onder of, DaveControl, plus Kurt Indovina and Jake Dekker of GameSpot as they discuss their love for Red Dead Redemption 2, and just how much the story and characters meant to them.

Jared Petty and Gav Murphy discuss how much they loved their horses, while Jake Baldino and Jared Petty talk about the leadership and eventual downfall of Dutch van der Linde. DaveControl, Gav Murphy, and Jake Dekker gush about their love for Arthur Morgan, while Lucy James and Kurt Indovina shudder in disgust at the thought of Micah, as Kurt revels in Arther and Micah's fight.

Meanwhile, Brandon Jones and Jared Petty talk about how great it was to play as John Marston again during the game's epilogue. They all go over some of their favorite moments, including stumbling across a UFO in the game, getting drunk with Lenny, and the incredible plantation scene when the whole gang heads out to rescue Jack Marston.

Let us know what future episodes you'd like to see, and what guests you hope to see on! And consider checking out our previous episodes on Dark Souls, Skyrim, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil 4!