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Modern Warfare 3 MP And Zombies Review

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 takes a risk using recycled content to sell nostalgia, but the payoff is enticing gameplay with classic features.

It's a weird year for Call of Duty, as Modern Warfare 3 arrives with mostly recycled content in a game that is looking to sell you on nostalgia. However, despite being a hodgepodge of old ideas and content from previously launched games, this continuation of the rebooted Modern Warfare series still manages to deliver lots of exciting multiplayer with fast-paced movement and an extraction-style Zombies mode that keeps you hooked on the gameplay.

All the typical game modes are packaged with Modern Warfare 3, such as Team Deathmatch, Domination, Kill Confirmed, Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, and even the large-scale Ground War returns. Some of these popular modes, like Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint, didn't exist when the game's returning maps first appeared in 2009, but overall the modes play well here, even if the maps weren't originally designed for them. One of the best additions to MW3's multiplayer is War, which is a mode originally introduced in Call of Duty: WWII. This is an attack and defend-style mode where one team plays offense and the other plays defense.

For the first time ever, zombies are also invading the Modern Warfare series, but this isn't the traditional round-based mode. This year weaves elements of Black Ops Cold War's large-scale Outbreak into a DMZ-style extraction mode, which delivers Treyarch's best attempt yet at large-scale objective-style gameplay. Where Zombies improves upon DMZ is in its shift from PvP to PvE. Zombies takes place on Warzone's upcoming Urzikstan map, and the mode is designed for trios in a PvE environment, though you can choose to play solo or even team up with others in your match to form a "super squad" of up to six players.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is out now on PS5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.