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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - Everything We Know So Far

Monster Hunter Rise was released back in March of 2021 and with a score of 9 from us here at GameSpot and a Metacritic of 88, I think it's safe to say the game was a critical success.

Now we’re getting Sunbreak, the massive new expansion to Rise that features a new setting, new monsters and new ways to take them down. Here is everything we know so far about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak contains a whole new story that picks up directly on from where the events of the main game left off. A sense of calm has finally fallen over Kamura Village, but unfortunately it doesn’t last very long. While fighting off the cause of that disturbance, you encounter a knight of the Royal Order named Fiorayne. Together with Fiorayne, you sail off to Elgado Outpost to investigate why monsters from the Kingdom are becoming aggressive and invading other areas.

This new narrative will have you and your fellow hunters facing off against three powerful new creatures known as the Three Lords: Garangolm, the Fanged Wyvern Lunagaron, and the Elder Dragon Malzeno.

Elgado is a far-off outpost that acts as Sunbreak’s new home base. Here, hunters will get to meet a whole new cast of NPCs who can assist in crafting and sending the players off on brand new quests.

Some of what you’ll encounter within Elgado consist of: Oboro’s shop, where you can craft health potion, antidotes and more from materials you have gathered. However, if you don’t have time to pick up resources on your adventures or you’re just a couple short, the merchant also sells them. How convenient?

Smithy Minayle, who can help you craft new gear from parts rewarded upon quest completion. Smithy is also where you can research new pieces, upgrade your weapons and outfit your buddies.