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Multiversus Season 1 Gets A New Release Date | GameSpot News

Multiversus season 1 is dropping soon, THQ Nordic announced a ton of new games, and Sonic Frontiers isn't getting a delay.

Multiversus’ season 1 launch gets a new date, new announcements from THQ Nordic, and Sonic Frontiers is sticking to its release among a sea of delays. All this on today’s GameSpot News.

What began as an indefinite delay has turned into a short one-week wait, as MultiVersus Season 1 has been confirmed for a August 15 start date, while also confirming that the first new character of the season--Morty Smith from Rick and Morty--will debut eight days later on August 23.

Morty isn't the only character confirmed for MultiVersus Season 1, as his grandpa Rick Sanchez will also join the roster during the game's inaugural season. No release date has been announced for Rick's addition.

The developers also shared a snapshot of what the first season of MultiVersus will be adding to the game, including online ranked lobbies, a single-player arcade mode, and more characters beyond the already confirmed Rick and Morty.

Just waiting on that Larry David announcement now.

THQ Nordic had a massive showcase today, including new game announcements.

The rumors were true: a new Alone in the Dark is coming, returning the series all the way back to its 1992 roots to revisit key elements of a game that helped give birth to the survival horror genre.

It features a lot of elements from the 1992 title, including its setting, Derceto Manor, and its two main playable characters: private detective Edward Carnby and Emily Hartwood.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent and SOMA writer Mikael Hedberg will be penning the game’s script, who says that the story will be more active than the original; expect cinematic cutscenes and voiced dialogue, in addition to notes, letters, and other items you'll find as you explore Derceto Manor and the rest of the world.

Wreckreation is coming from Three Fields Entertainment, a studio made up of developers from Electronic Arts and Criterion Games, including folks who previously worked on the Burnout and Need for Speed series, and it's clear the "wreck" side of the game draws inspiration from those beloved racing titles.

Stunts, crashes, and takedowns are a big part of the events you'll compete in, and it sounds like just about everything in the game will provide you opportunities for those competitions. Instead of covering a city, Wreckreation takes place in its own drivable state, made up of four different counties that you can explore to discover shortcuts, challenges, and breakable billboards. There are 400 square kilometers of area in the game, and you can drive on all of it, according to Three Fields.

For more information on all the announcements made during today’s presentation, head to GameSpot dot com.

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