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Overwatch 2 - Fantastic Update But Stumbles As A Sequel

Overwatch 2 improves upon the core gameplay and characters fans love, but loses some of its predecessor's spirit in the process.

We got hands on time with Overwatch 2 early access ahead of the launch on October 4th, 2022. Overwatch 2 will be heading to multiple platforms including: PC, Xbox Series X and S, and PlayStation 4 and 5. Players who have previously played Overwatch will have access to the original roster, whereas brand new players will have to play through matches to unlock them all. Additionally there will be a battle pass that will allow players to unlock the new heroes coming to the game.

In addition, to this preview by Jess Howard make sure to check out our full Skirmish match on Ilios featuring Kiriko the new support hero. Kiriko is a ninja healer who is draws on the help of her kitsune spirit. To help assist her allies she throws protection suzus and to fight against her foes she uses her kunai. The other two new heroes coming to Overwatch 2 are Junker Queen and Sojourn who have been previously shown off.