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Overwatch's New Hero Is An Adorable Hamster - GameSpot Daily

A cute little hamster in a rolling mech is coming soon to Overwatch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, while the Battlefield 5 alpha kicks off today.

The next hero for Overwatch has been revealed, and Blizzard is definitely thinking outside of the box on this one. This time around, it's not a human toting some kind of weapon--or even an armed robot. No, the new character is a hamster that drives a hamster ball mech suit.

The hero, called Wrecking Ball, appeared to be another armed robot like Bastion or Orisa, rolling onto the scene and shooting its turrets in a fearsome manner. But then... it happened. The top hatch popped open and the giggling hamster called Hammond revealed himself. It's quite the surprise, as Blizzard cut a jetpack cat hero because it went "too far."

The new Hero's name is Wrecking Ball, and his main weapon are his automatic Quad Cannons. In addition to that, he can curl up into a ball and roll around the map to achieve his maximum speed. He can also utilize a grappling claw to swing around the area, allowing him to damage and knock back enemies.

Wrecking Ball's other abilities how him to deploy a massive field of proximity mines and create temporary personal shields that increase when more enemies are in his vicinity. Lastly, his Ultimate is called Piledriver, and it slams Wrecking Ball into the ground, damaging and launching enemies upward.

We also know a bit about his origin. Hammond is from the Horizon Lunar Colony, the same place as talking gorilla Winston, but he escaped with the rolling robot ball and made his way to Junkertown (the home of Junkrat).

Overwatch's new hamster headlines today's GameSpot Daily, but we also cover stories such as the Battlefield V closed alpha, Epic Games' lawsuit against a Fortnite QA tester, and July's Games With Gold on the Xbox One. That's what you'll find in today's show, but be sure to tune in every day of the week at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST/7 PM BST/4 AM AEST for another episode of GameSpot Daily. We cover the most exciting gaming news in 30 minutes or less.

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