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PUBG's Move Beyond Battle Royale, War Mode, Comes At A Cost

With Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds competition raging, we see how the timed event War Mode stacks up.

When the dust had settled following PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' latest limited-time event, War Mode, two things were clear: PUBG is almost certainly responding to the runaway success of Fortnite, and PUBG without the traditional Battle Royale structure is still really fun.

Not too long ago, PUBG without all players dropping onto a map without weapons would've seemed like sacrilege. Now, however, Fortnite has eclipsed Battlegrounds as the number one Battle Royale game, while the genre has rapidly become more crowded. PUBG is still popular, of course, but Fortnite's ascension has shown that PUBG needs to continue innovating to stay competitive.

In the video embedded above, the GameSpot team argues that War Mode demonstrates that developer PUBG Corp. is on the right track when it comes to diversifying. Although shooters always run the risk of watering down their core modes when they add new gametypes, War Mode succeeded in proving that a PUBG match can still entertain without the Battle Royale gameplay loop.

Watch our full reasoning and our suggestions for what PUBG should do next in the video above. The second run of War Mode unfortunately had to end early due to serve issues, but players do have a lot take in from a new update that introduced another weapon and vehicle, among other things.