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Resident Evil 3 Remake And New Control DLC - GS After Dark #35

On this week's episode of GameSpot After Dark, Ben Hanson of MinnMax joins us to talk about Resident Evil 3 Remake, Control's The Foundation DLC, and games to play when you're stuck at home. If you want to support Ben and his work over at MinnMax, check out their Patreon page:


00:00:12 - Introduction

00:01:25 - Who's Ben Hanson

00:07:58 - What We've Been Playing

00:12:20 - Control DLC - The Foundation

00:28:10 - Ben's Resident Evil 3 Remake Impressions

00:42:37 - News (More Cancellations, Mario, and FF7)

01:04:32 - Listener Questions

01:16:48 - Outro