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Ten Stim Capsule Locations In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Jedi: Fallen Order can be a punishing game. Expand your health with this walkthrough of where to find ten Stim Capsules. Captured on PC and PS4 Pro.

The Force might be your ally in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, but you'll need even more help to survive most difficulty modes as you work your way through the galaxy. Fortunately, you have BD-1, a droid companion who can slice open doors, operate machinery, and most importantly, dish out healing "stims" in combat to keep you alive.

You'll find two stims as part of the story, but it's possible to find as many as 10 if you're willing to explore off the beaten paths that take you through Fallen Order's different planets. Seeking out more stim canisters is worth the investment of time, since you'll face tough opposition in Fallen Order, whether it's from the Imperial Inquisition that's hunting protagonist Cal Kestis, or from run-of-the-mill enemies that can ruin your good time thanks to their Dark Souls-like combat capabilities. The more stims you have, the more likely you are to take down your opponents and keep the experience you earn, which allows you to use Skill Points to unlock new Jedi abilities for Cal.

Check out the video above for a rundown of where to find each of the seven hidden crates that dish out BD's stim canisters. We'll show you on each planet's map where to start, and walk you through the process of figuring out the puzzles and traversing the terrain that will get you where you need to go.