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Worlds Adrift Might Be The Perfect Game For Disappointed Sea Of Thieves Fans

A lack of content in Sea of Thieves has turned many off, but we take a look at a new PC game on Steam that might be a viable alternative.

Sea of Thieves' release has come and gone, with many disappointed by the game's lack of things to do. Rare has pledged long-term support that will see new content added, but in the meantime, those looking for some ship-based fun may find what they're looking for in Worlds Adrift.

The so-called "community-crafted" MMO has been available in closed beta through Steam for some time alongside the game's island creator, which allows players to create worlds that may be included in the final game. On May 17, the early access game will expand to something closer to what developer Bossa Studios has in mind for the full product.

As you can see in the video above, we got to try the game out recently, and it might just scratch the itch of those who are left wanting more from Sea of Thieves. Worlds Adrift is all about forming a crew, building a flying ship, and exploring the world. Physics are a key element, as you're not simply throwing together a custom look for your ship--you'll need to build something that will actually work. You can see what ship-to-ship combat is like in the video and get a glimpse at some intense PvP action as we use a grappling hook to hang from our ship before launching over onto an enemy vessel.

You'll spend the early hours in Worlds Adrift assembling a ship before venturing out into the world to track down better tech, which in turn lets you create better ships. Long-term, there will also be player alliances and trading, though we don't know when those elements are coming.

Worlds Adrift is already available for purchase, with several different tiers available that get you additional cosmetics and other exclusive content. They range in price starting at $35, which gets you a copy of the game and access to the test server, though the base price will drop to $25 at launch.