never i played such an amateur developed game. It makes me want to shoot the game package with an AK-47

User Rating: 3 | Vietnam: Black Ops PC
If only I have an AK-47 but I guess I would have to make do with writing a review on it.

Story:In "Vietnam: Black ops" you play as a lone anonymous soldier who escaped his prison cell by going through a hole that your non- existent ally broke. After that there's not much to describe about apart from going through linear levels and shooting endless, hordes of vietnamesians. There's no real story. There's no background story on how the war started or how you ended up in jail. The game just pits you inside a jail and then you blast your way through like Rambo . 0/10

Gameplay:This game seems to concentrate on killing for nothing because there's a death counter on the top right corner of the screen that counts how many vietnamese you have killed and i said for nothing because no matter how many you slaughtered them, it doesn't affect the game when you completed it. No unlockables, no new weapons just nothing.Making this whole boring experience wasted. The game features jungle levels, village but it doesn't matter how many different type of levels there are because all you do is kill,kill,kill! Fortunately, the game makes little impact in your daily lifespan, so the boredom will end immediately after you completed it. 2/10

Graphics: sceneries are too bland or too pixelated. compare it too other games in the same year like Half Life the graphics in Vietnam is so rubbish, it will alter your eyesight in a very short time. Framerate is very smooth to be honest and if you stay behind the eye torturing trees it will protect you from gunfire.The developers seem to only concentrate on the explosions because they are in fine detail. 4/10

Sound: Music definitely suits the atmosphere but you can hardly remember it after you gracefully end the game. Sound effects are impressive enough to make you feel you are hearing from a real gun(unless you have hearing problems.) but that's it from the sound. 8/10

Value: i borrowed this from a friend, slot it into my pc, played the game and completed it in the same day, returned it in the next day.
This game has practically no value. It's too linear and straightforward and no unlockables in my sight(unless i was blinded by the awful graphics i might miss the unlockables.1/10

if you bought this then do me a favour.
Destroy it. it's existence is as good as nothing.