V:BO is just too plain and repetitive to qualify its existence...

User Rating: 4.8 | Vietnam: Black Ops PC
Remember the good old days, when almost every single first-person shooter began with a simple pop quiz: “Your entire squad/race is dead/unreachable, you are faced with a massive horde of hostile soldiers/demons, and you only have a six-shooter/knife/wand at hand. What do you do?” Vietnam: Black Ops didn’t try to change that formula, beginning as it did with a solo prison break scenario lifted directly from Wolfenstein 3D. From that point on, the game consisted of seven lonely levels spent finding an enemy, shooting him, and then moving on. I didn’t really mind that the graphics and animation were so utterly basic as to be ugly. I even enjoyed the slightly creepy, drizzling atmosphere of the game’s underground levels. However, the highly repetitive combat scenarios led me to the realization that trying to play every single FPS ever made – including the notoriously bad ones – may not be the best use of my time.

Even though V:BO’s adequate elements were cribbed directly from better titles, the tiny team of designers behind the game showed promise through some creative level designs, at least. I don’t support the idea of paying any amount of money for what amounts to a practice run – amateur projects are best relegated to free mods and conversions – so I must admit that Vietnam: Black Ops doesn’t even work as a quick palate-cleanser between better, more competently developed titles.