4 the 1st few seconds of playing this I thought: This is Battlefield, then I realized, its an exact copy of battlefield!

User Rating: 7.5 | Warhawk (w/Headset) PS3
This game, as completely unoriginal, hard to master, and unbalenced as it is, does have some charm to it. That charm lies, in the Warhawks themselves. Now, I'm sure some people reading this have read other reviews and have been made to believe that ground combat is impossible so you should just give up, I'm glad to say that even though you're at a slight disadvantage being on the ground (which is actually realistic when you think about it) You can still hold your own. A well aimed missile shot can bring any Warhawk driver back down to Earth.

Graphics- these, and mind whoever's reading this that I don't really care about graphics AT ALL, are beautiful graphics for their time, 2007 graphics, at least I thought, could never par with Killzone or MGS4, I was wrong. It's fairly epic to be able to stand on top of a tower and see the enemy base and if you look closely all of the enemies lurking around in it. And be warned, the maps are HUGE! It's easy early on to tell that this game really dosn't want to care about ground troops, it gave them a few things to fight but the Warhawks obviously had a lot more time put into them. The maps are designed with the sole purpose of giving Warhawks ample space to zoom around dogfighting. (This also looks just as cool far away as it wood up close)10

Gameplay- I'm going to divide this up into two different sections because I just can't include these two together.

Warhawk's- It's the name of the game and really, the only way to stand a large chance against 16 other players who, starting out, will almost guranteed be impossible to kill no matter what, driving a Warhawk, I believe as a noob, just prolongs your inevidable death. Right when you get the game go into training and learn how to drive these things. You're going to need it.9

Ground(on foot, vehicles, turrets, etc.)- Once again, right when you put the game into your system, go straight to the tutorials and figure this stuff out because it's hard. The only thing I can say about this is that it's relatively quiet being on foot, especially in the large maps. As long as you don't run into any tanks or turrets meant for people, or a Warhawk driver who wants to pick on the little guy. You should be able to stay alive. The worst part about being on the ground is to truly succeed you need to work together with your teamates but the blutooth function functions horribly. So it's like charades without being able to freely move any part of your body.4

Story- N/A, this game is totally online, if you have no wireless internet, don't even bother with this game. they don't even try to explain why these to races with the exact same tech are fighting.0


Warhawks hover mode looks awesome and switching back and forth looks retarded to someone watching far away and is dangerous but is fun to watch on your screen.+

Machine gun has horrible aim and takes forever to kill another opponet, same with pretty much every gun except explosives.-

Easy Spawn Camping (When your entire enemy team or most of it sets up at your main base and kills you right when you spawn so you don't have a slight chance.-

Warhawk had so much potiential, and with that potential they could think of nothing to do but rip off Battlefield. Such a shame, If you want a large online game just order Battlefield 1943 off the PSN or xlive. It's cheaper and more fun.