Innovative as Little Big Planet, but not as fun.

User Rating: 7 | WarioWare D.I.Y. DS
THE GOOD: +Innovative, +Music possibilities are Endless, +Comic Drawing is fun, +Tons of Download Slots, +Wi-fi is cool.
THE BAD: -Hard to Make a Good Game, -Tutorials Take Forever, -Poor Controls, -Your Drawings look messed up.

GRAPHICS: 7.5/10
The graphics are great in pre-loaded games, Mostly Poor Graphics For you games.

GAMEPLAY: 6.5/10
There's an exception for this isn't a game, it is a game maker. Which is true. First off, you need the tutorials or you don't know what the hell you're doing. Even with the tutorials, the game making is quite challenging because a lot of the times you don't have the option to make a first-person shooter, or something like that. Anyways, Music making is really cool. There are tons and tons of instruments and it really stands out. Comic making is easy and fun too. The 90+ games are good. I think this game needs a bit of work to make it easier to make games, but if you get the hang of it, there could be something great in the game.

Overall, this game is innovative, but challenging for casual gamers.

Is there a story? I have no clue.

AUDIO: 9.5/10
Making your own music is excellent, along with the awesome F-Zero Song, and Classic Mario sounds.

CONTROLS: 6.0/10
The controls are easy in games, but hard to be persice is making objects which is a huge pain.

If you get into making music, games, and comics, you'll be playing this game nonstop. But it sometimes gets repetitive and making games is a bit too challenging for the casual gamer.