A good looking game that suffers from lack of content and glaring technical issues

User Rating: 5 | Watch Dogs: Legion XONE

The latest addition to the Watch Dogs franchise brings us to London where following a terrorist attack, The city is on lockdown with DedSec blamed for the attack and it's up to the members to clear their name and discover who is behind it. So off the bat, We are given a premise that is arguably the best the series has to offer so far. Sadly, They don't capitalize on it.

Legion relies on these fast-paced story missions that don't do much to tell a story and often relies on cutscenes to fill in the blanks and it just isn't satisfying. And in between those missions, We are given very, and I mean very, few things to do. There is only a small handful of side missions available to play and aside from the tech-points scattered throughout the map (which is required for upgrades), There are no other collectables and no reason to really explore the map either. The irony here is that the map is fairly large yet with nothing to do outside of the campaign, It kind of defeats the purpose of putting all this effort and detail into it.

See what made me like Watch Dogs and even Watch Dogs 2 is that there was actual stuff to do outside of the main story. You had options to do things outside of the campaign. Legion doesn't give you that option and that is a glaring negative for me. And on top of that, there is still a pretty decent amount of bugs and glitches that affect the game as well.

Within the first 10 minutes of playing, My parked car was hit and slowly floated into the air. I couldn't control it at all and my only option was to quit and reload the game. Then there is the annoying issue with the minimap where it doesn't give you the quickest route to an objective, It makes you go way out of your way before setting you on the right track. And not just that, It also shows the objective in the wrong direction on the map and unless you put a waypoint in said objective you want to go towards, You'll deal with this issue constantly. The map is an incredibly relied upon feature and yet it is the most broken part of the game, Now that is a shame.

Now despite all these glaring negatives, Legion plays fine and it is as enjoyable to play as any other Watch Dogs game. Does it do anything dramatically different? Well, Aside from being able to ride on drones, not really. However, I'd be lying if I said that hacking stuff wasn't fun but it isn't as fluid as it was in previous games. The reaction time to do stuff isn't as immediate and when you have to make a quick decision, you would hope for an equally quick response but that isn't the case. You honestly might as well forget about hacking stuff while driving because it is more of a pain than anything else.

Overall: 5/10
I would safely say that Legion is my least favourite entry because it holds so much promise but it just utterly failed to deliver. I think a lot of the shortcomings could have been addressed fairly easy and actually putting content into the game would have increased it's overall score quite a bit.