Wheelman is a strangely enjoyable game for those old "Driver"-like chase sequence lovers!!

User Rating: 7.5 | Wheelman PS3

Wheelman doesn't waste anytime whatsoever on introductions! The game dumps you nearby a bank, waiting for one of your Spanish-lady friends to come running out, holding a briefcase stuffed full of cash and other valuables from the bank. You are then asked to drive (or "Venga, venga!!" in Spanish) as fast as possible whilst both listening to your lady friend's directions and sexy tone, speed-reading tutorial hints which come up way to fast for the naked human eye to see, and concentrating on taking down any cop cars you find annoying! You then have too lose the cops to get to your lady friend's car, which explodes in your face! You then have to pick and get into a nearby car (QUICKLY!! The cops are coming!), and drive to your lady friend's main gang hideout! And thus, your short story begins....!

You'll play undercover agent, Milo Burik (as voiced by muscular tough-guy, Vin Diesel, who also is the Executive Producer of this game!), who's mission is to infiltrate an international security threat, based in Barcelona, Spain (why can't the location ever be in a rough, stormy, depressing, miserable, seaside town somewhere in England during the most horrible winter and, another thing, why can't the friend be a fat, stupid moron of a brute called Bruno?!).

But anyway, lets cut-to-the-chase (excuse the pun!), and I'll tell you about the good bits!:

1. Every time you meet someone new, you will get a file containing information about them (you get this at the end of a level), which might even change the very way you treat them later on in the game.

2. The 'Airjack' move is brilliant! It allows you to easily jump from car-to-car with the push of a single button!

3. You will love the sequences where a gas/oil tanker is about to go up in flames and you do the casual swagger away from it whilst everyone around you is screaming and shouting and running in all directions, then it explodes in the background! (You earn a trophy for doing this called 'Flames & Glory' on the Playstation 3, but I'm not sure about the Xbox 360 version, though)!

4. When you press the R1/LR button, you can automatically lock onto nearby enemies!

5. When you have a pistol and you find it shoots way too slowly, simply hold the fire button and your pistol turns into a semi-automatic (machine) pistol! Cool, eh?!

6. When you have finished all the missions, you can still occupy yourself by completing the easy side-missions and finding the 'Golden Lions' (which you will get a trophy for, same applies for the following) and the 'Cinematic Jumps' which, when you find, there is a cutscene which shows your car going over the jump in slow-motion!

7. If you ever get annoyed by pests sticking to your tail and destroying your ride, use the Cyclone special move (where you spin round in your car and shoot at any cars that are annoying you)! NOTES: This move requires charging, this move is performed in slow-motion and this move does NOT work with vans or trucks!

Yes, there are some bad bits, which I'll explain now:

1. Everyone seems to drive the same cars!

2. There are (at most) two checkpoints per level, meaning, if you lose near the end, you have got to, basically, go back to the middle of the level and do (nearly) everything all over again!