For $10 AU Wii Play is a good pick up with that extra Wii Remote

User Rating: 7 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
I bought Wii Play simply for the Wii Remote and i must say for $10 (AU) it's a buy you won't regret.

Wii Play serves as a simple tutorial to all the different functions of the Wii Remote. This tutorial comes in the form of 9 different mini-games ranging from Shooting to Cow Racing to Billiards.However only half of these mini games will really have you coming back to play more.

The best game by far for me was the Shooting Gallery followed by Charge!(cow racing). Shooting is obviously shooting items on the screen such as balloons and targets. Charge involves racing cows to knock over scarecrows in order to get points. Another good game is Tanks which is easily you destroying enemy tanks with rockets and mines.

The rest of the mini games Table Tennis, Fishing, Laser Hockey, Pose/Find Mii i found to be only average and sometimes frustrating but are still fun in their fun in their own special way.

The game features a 2 player mode which is fun to play as like Wii Sports you can use your Miis.It's disappointing as some games such as Shooting and Fishing could have benefited from 4 player action.

All in all Wii Play is a good game to teach you all their is to the Wii Remote
and for $10 is quite enjoyable and fun to play.