How this game became a top seller I'll never know.

User Rating: 3.5 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
Wii Play. It's a top seller on the Wii for one reason only: it comes with an extra Wii Remote. On top of that, it's only $10 more than a Wii Remote alone. Is this the "better" deal as opposed to buying the Wii Remote itself? The short answer is no. The long answer is...Well, let's find out!

Wii Play has nine simple games. With a small number of games, you'd expect most would be decent. But the majority of the games are repetitive and dull. To clarify this statement, let's run down on all nine games.

Shooting Range. At first, I thought the game was half-decent (this is coming from a person who loves shooting games on the Wii). But multiple play throughs exploit the stale nature of the game. The targets show up the same way and fashion. You'll get bored of this rather quickly.

Find the Mii. You usually find the two lookalikes in the crowd of Miis. The game attempts to mix this up later on by giving you goals like "find the odd ones out" and "find the fastest Mii". The game is incredibly boring. Read some I Spy books instead.

Table Tennis. This sounds like fun. You may think it's supposed to be a ping pong match with the computer. But all you do is rally the ball for as long as you can. Zzzzzzzz...

Pose the Mii. We come to the worst game of Wii Play. You changes poses to match up your Mii with the dropping bubbles. It's unique, but the repetitive and drawn out nature will leave you bored out of your mind.

Laser Hockey. Finally, we come across something worth playing! You control your paddle and hit the puck to try and score more points than your opponent. The only real problem with it is that the controls can feel a little too responsive. This game is still okay.

Fishing. This game is as bad as it looks. You fish after fish paper cutouts. When you get a bite, just pull back. That's the game.

Charge! You ride a knitted cow and run over as many scarecrows as you can. Like Shooting Range, it's the same each game. This isn't anything special to come back to, unfortunately.

Billards. It's a game of nine-ball. The controls work great and it's worth trying at least a few times. Still, it could've used a bit more variety in gameplay styles.

Tanks. This is the best game overall. It's the only one that can use the Nunchuk (it's best controlled that way) to move your tank and use your Wii Remote to aim and fire bullets as well as drop mines. Your objective is to destroy all tanks to move on to the next stage. The game has a bit of depth to it. The bullet can richocet off a wall once before exploding on the next impact. The game increases in difficulty as you go and it's plain fun.

You can win medals if you do good enough at a game. There's bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Like Wii Sports, they're just there for bragging rights.

Even though three out of nine of the games are okay, they are far from memorable and you'll get bored rather quickly. Wii Play comes bundled with the Wii Remote, but should you need an extra controller, just get it alone and save $10. It's not worth it.