Your Grandma may have fun with this game, but the rest of you should just play Wii Sports rather than this plop fest!

User Rating: 5 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
This is a review of Wii Play for the Wii.
Now Wii Play was released (nearly) 4 years ago by Nintendo to show people how to use the then revelutionary Wii Mote. It may appeal to Grandmas but to everyone else, Errr......stay well away from this one! But very well, I will review this game to tell you about how Mediocore this game really is!

The Controls will be expained in the Gameplay paragraph

The Graphics look good. The Mii's in this game look cartoony and sharp which fits the mood perfectly. The environments themselves look also cartoony but they are also pretty detailed as well. Score 1 for the graphics!

The Gameplay is 9 minigames. Now you may be saying, hey!: how come there are little mini games in a retail game! Well, some of the mini games are fun but most of them are not fun at all, and you might get bored quickly. However, I will explain these mini games in detail. First of is the Shooting mini game. This Mini Game involves you gunning down targets, UFO's, and pidgeons. You use your Wii Mote to aim and A or B is to shoot your bullet. Despite it being on the easy side, that game was quite fun and my Dad likes this one as well! Next up is Find Mii mini game. It's a game where the Game tells you which Mii they want you to pick and then you have to find the corresponding Mii they want you to pick. You move your cursor by moving your Wii mote and press A or B to select the correct Mii. I thought it was fun at first, but then I got bored of it quite quickly. The 3rd mini game is Table Tennis. Table Tennis is....well, you play tennis but instead you play at a table lengh courtyard. You use the Wii Mote to move your racket and A to hit the Ball. The whole mini game is a concentrated Mess of absolute suckiness because the game doesn't even play like Table Tennis Rules! You just have to see how many times you hit the ball! Pathetic! 4th is Pose Mii, where you have to pose your Mii in a certain pose to match the pose bubbles. You use your Wii Mote to move your Mii and press both A and B to swith poses. It's a fun and frantic game at first, but you will get bored of it quickly. (Trust me, I know so!) 5th is lazer hockey. It's basicly like a Neon light version of Pong. You use the Wii Mote to move the paddle. Despite it being another version of Pong, it's actually quite fast paced when you come to think about it. 6th is billiards. It's basically a Wii vesion of Snooker or Pool when you come to think of it. You pull your Wii Mote to pull back your billiards stick and then press B while pushing your Wii Mote to smack the white ball which will knock the other balls (hopefully) into the the Holes. You can also press A to get a birds eye view of the table. This Game is quite fun because there is a lot of strategy e.g: Should I hit the white ball softly or hardly. 7th is fishing (oh yeah exciting! NOT!!). It's basically like regular fishing but you fish for paper cut outs of fish. To stretch your Hook, stretch your Wii mote, and then Swing your Wii mote down to snatch a fish, then you flick your Wii Mote up to lift up the fish. This Minigame is extremely boring because all you are doing is just fish out paper cut outs. Your Grandma will always win this game because you'd already be falling asleep in 2 minutes of playing the game. 8th is Charge. It's a game where your Mii basically rides on a Cow? (What the Heck!) And tries to run over as much scarecrows as he or she can. You play by holding the Wii Mote Sideways. You move your Wii Mote forward to speed up, move left or right to turn and move it back to brake. That game is actually quite frantic and fun despite it being an imitation of Mario Kart. Final Game is Tanks (now we are getting to the good stuff!). It's a game that allows you to control a Toy Tank and basically shoot each other to death! You move your Tank by using the control pad, aim with your Wii Mote and then press B to fire bullets or press A to drop mines. This game is fun in both single player and Multiplayer games! I mean, who loves killing each other in Video Games! I do!

The Music is best left forgotten. The SFX on the other hand are quite good and set the cartoony atmosphere up nicely.

Wii Play is best left in the Bargain Bin. Your Grandparents may enjoy this one, but for the rest of us...... You only want to get it because there is a shining Wii Mote included with it. But then, since Wii Party gives a gleaming Wii Mote in the package and it's a much better game, there's hardly any reason to get this game is there?! Aww Nintendo! You are a awesome gaming company and you make good Games. Just don't make games like this please! Just don't! Let's overview the facts shall we?

The Good: Some Mini Games are fun, accesible for everyone, multiplayer madness, comes with a Wii Mote.

The Bad: Music is bad

The Ugly: Some mini games are not much fun, you will get bored with this quickly, do yourselves a favour and buy Wii Party (it comes bundled with a Wii Mote and it is a much better game!)

Title: Nothing Special!