Speed galore! with amazing graphics on the go? Sign me up!

User Rating: 9 | Wipeout Pure PSP
Wipe Out Pure is a definitive must have on the PSP it is quite openly the best racing game I’ve played on the PSP and this is mainly for one reason; you can really feel the speed.

Wipe Out has amazing graphics and a very different and varied sound track that after hours of gameplay does not sound repetitive or monotonous. The graphics the game presents are very crisp (look very sharp on the small PSP screen) and really deliver the sense of speed.

The gameplay is very similar to other wipe outs, or so I’ve read, since this is the first game of the series I play, I guess there its worth mentioning that Wipe Out Pure is a great pick me up and leave game (so fit for the PSP). Any way, the controls are responsive and the gameplay handles well alongside the sense of speed. Thank fully you wont get bored fast with the game since it offers quite a few race courses on five different difficulty levels, plus a few different game modes including on line racing.

This is definitely one game to have, its graphics are just simply amazing, especially on a combat race sim for the PSP. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.