It's hard to believe that this is all done on the PSP...

User Rating: 9 | Wipeout Pure PSP
Ratchet_Sora: Review #20

For my 20th review I thought I'd give you something good.

AIM OF GAME: Complete a variety of races, grab gold medals and unlock new stuff.

BETTER THAN: Ridge Racer

I owned the original Wipeout on my Nintendo 64, I wasn't really a fan of that and I was hesitant to buy this one. However, my opinions on the series changed drastically when I began to play the game. There are many different tracks to race on, the only bad thing about them, is they are a lot less risky than the tracks seen in the F-Zero Series.

The controls are sweet, only minimal buttons are needed, which allows more conveniance to the player. A good feature for the buttons, is that the L and R buttons can be used to turn.

There are 5 styles of single player racing, Free Race, Single Race, Tournament, Zone and Time Trial, each with a different purpose. The items are a key point of the game, but I think they could have better aiming... it is almost impossible to hit the other racers...



A definate 9 for the gameplay. Using only a small ammount of buttons is very conveniant, and as I said before, the L and R buttons can be used for turning, which sounds weird, but it actually feels more comfortable than the directional buttons if you want to perfect your turn. Unfortunately, the aiming could be better for items...


The graphics are just ... brilliant. They are well above average. I can't get enough of the well designed tracks and the smoothness of the graphics. However, at some points, the game can get quite rough, so I took .5 off the score.

SOUND: 8.5

The sound in this game doesn't really matter that much... it's really just some cool techno music. Some songs are fairly annoying but others are great...


The value of this game is great, and I got it really cheap... I probably wouldn't spend more than $AU65 on this game. You will enjoy it for a long time and it will take a while to 100%...


The above scores average to 9.25, so I will round it down to a straight 9. I think this score is fair for this game, it really shows us what the PSP can do. It is well above average for a PSP game!

SIMILAR GAMES: F-Zero Series (N64, GCN,)

WIPEOUT UNIVERSE: Wipeout 64 (N64), Wipeout Pulse (PSP) Wipeout HD (PS3)