Better than I expected

User Rating: 6 | Wolfenstein PC

This game was pulled from Steam because Bethesda (if certain sources are to be believed) thought it was a "crap job". When it originally came out, the trailers and screenshots gave me the same impression, so I let it pass me by. However, having recently finished New Order (which wasn't exactly a masterpiece, either), I felt like giving it a shot, and was pleasantly surprised. My beef with Return to Castle Wolfenstein was that it lacked any sort of authenticity; this game, on the other hand, comes very close to looking and feeling authentic. If only they had gotten the uniforms right, for once, I could actually believe I was in a German town in the middle of WWII. Everything else is pretty much on point: the weapons, the architecture, the overall style; even the fictional high-tech weapons and equipment look like something the Germans might have made at the time. Your weapons feel like they really have a kick, the enemies are pretty smart, by video games standards, and the kill animations are surprisingly detailed and fun to watch. The difficulty, on the Normal level, is just right, with the exception of the final boss battle, which is extremely frustrating, as is the need to constantly traverse the town to get to the next mission, while having no clear idea where exactly to go. It's not that I didn't enjoy exploring it, but I would have preferred progression instead of endless backtracking. While not perfect, by any means, this installment comes closer to what I want to see in a Wolfenstein game than anything else I have played.