Blizzard Does It Again

User Rating: 9.2 | World of Warcraft PC
I played in the closed beta for several months and if you are a veteran or new to MMORPG gaming, World of Warcraft is definately worth a look. It has almost everything one could want in a MMORPG and although WoW doesn't stray from the MMORPG formulas, it definately has improved upon them. I have played many MMOs (EQ, AC2, SWG, CoH, PlanetSide) and this one is one of the best I have played. Here are some of the high points: 1. Graphics - artistic and beautifiul that make an immersive environment 2. No zoning - there is little zoning and you can just keep walking - more immersion 3. Sound - some of the best music I have heard - more immersion 4. Casual or Power Gamer - you can play for a little bit or a lot. Although it is tough to put down once you are hooked. 5. Balance - the classes are well balanced and are constantly being tweaked to ensure it is player skill not classes that determine winners in battles (PvP) 6. Quests - somewhat typical (hunt, deliver, collect) but they do have timed missions and instanced zones 7. Character customization - though the talent system, classes can take different paths 8. Crafting - it's all there. eBay style auction, eMail system for sending things - its all there 9. Solo or team - any class can choose to solo. Some are better than others for soloing but they all generally can do it. 10. FUN, FUN, FUN - it is fun to play and there are plenty of mature people playing right now. The launch was smooth except for the massive server load initially but that was expected and has gone away since the 23rd. If you love MMORPGs or just want to try them, WoW is the game to get.