You've heard of Evercrack, now check out Warcrack

User Rating: 9.7 | World of Warcraft PC
I will admit I was a little sceptical about this game because of the cartoonish graphics. But when you start playing it doesn't really matter. Everything just seems to fall into place. But I gotta give some of thd bad first. Blizzard was unprepared for the numbers at launch. While they are working on it, it is a little disturbing. And why are the veins for mining around aggro mobs?? Lastly about the bad, I have to say Blizzard is worse then a drug dealer. Getting everyone hooked with open beta, and then making us pay for it! (Not that is necessarily a bad thing :)) Just some things to point out and why I think this game is the ultimate choice. 1. The quests, multiple, multiple quests. Through the beta tests I've gotten a character up to level 16, and only had to do very minimal grinding. For the most part there is always some quest for you to give your attentions over to. Makes the game insanely fun, and a serious time killer. You can sit down to this game and before you know it, you've blown 3 hours. 2. PVP, whether you're on a pvp server or not you still have the option. Whether dueling or just want too take your horde character and go wail on some alliance characters or vice'a'versa. Even in PVP servers, as long as your in a friendly zone pvp cannot be forced upon you. Blizzard has done a great job with this game, and I plan on spending a long time in it. Although I think there is more people on launch then expected, so if you have yet to get your copy, you may want to wait a few days so the load balancing can be figured out.