X-men has always been a marvel favorite and this game is no different. Wolverine is the best of all and soon you'll know

User Rating: 8 | X-Men GEN
X-men has always been a marvel favorite and this game is no different. Wolverine is the best of all and soon you'll know why. This is the first of many X-men games to come. Everything you could ever want in a 2D game is here. Sega pulled no punches with this game and neither did the X-men if you play it correctly. Unfortunately for you this game was made for the Genesis system so if you don't own one reading this is just informational. If you have a Genesis and it still works maybe your local Gamestop might be able to dig up a copy for you. It is definitely worth the try for all X-men fans. Wolverine will always be my favorite X-men so I use him mostly to slash my way through this game. Gambit was cool to use but I never liked Cyclops too much. Night Crawler was also useful to teleport back and forth. I hate to say it but Wolverine can't do it all so mix it up a bit.