Buy it. Perfect game

User Rating: 10 | Xenoblade WII
In recent years RPG are awful. Those lineal stories, only based on graphics... Those rehashed games... I have to say that I was disappointed.

But when I started this game, I change my mind.
Since last-gen consoles, no other RPG makes me hold the pad for hours with a perpetual smile on my face.

For me, the right definition of a masterpiece RPG was exactly this.
This game is amazing from the beginning to the end!

The story goes "in crescendo" involving you.
The composers did homework because the music will dazzle you!
The world full of missions to spend a lot of time (and fun) will amuse you.

From time to time, masterpieces appears on the market and astonishes people.

If you are a RPG lover... What are you waiting for? Spit it out!
If not, BUY IT. You'll start loving RPG games from now on.

Tetsuya Takahashi shows again his class and style.
Monolith Soft... Thank you!

Originality 9
Story 10
Visuals 9
Music 10
Battle System 10

Overall 10