Enchanting storyline and old school RPG action

User Rating: 8 | Zenonia 2: The Lost Memories IOS
Zenonia 2 is good RPG in many respects, harking back to the old days of gaming. It has classic RPG elements and hack and slash gameplay that are worth the .99 asking price.

The story is great as you set out to gather the 4 missing gems to restore the memories of the world and the peace that this brings. The game is very easy to pick up and as you progress, you encounter stronger creatures and obtain loot.

The problem is you can fly through the game at a lower level than expected and you end up finishing 10 levels below creatures above you. This can also be accomplished because bosses are extremely easy. Just hack and slash, die, pay 3k, resurrect with no penalty, rinse and repeat until boss is dead. I found myself easily knocking out level 50 boss at level 42.

Quests are not enough to provide the XP, you must grind to catch up in level to the story arc...or just collect enough gold, which is very easy, and brute force your way to the end of the game by spamming the res. button.

Overall a good RPG for .99 and worth a few hours of gameplay.


Ease of Play
Bugs & Crashes
Level Grinding
Death System