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#6701 Warm_Gun
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Lonely Are the Brave (1962)

A fugitive and his horse try to scale a mountain. If not the best Kirk Douglas that I've seen, then top two. Has one of the greatest horse scenes. Last shot was so symbolic.

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#6702 Warm_Gun
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@warm_gun said:

Where Eagles Dare

Infiltrate, obtain intel, uncover spies, exfiltrate. Violent action-adventure with an escape that's too long and neat. However many dynamite bombs you think the heroes pack into that case, it's more than that. MUCH more. They are immune to 10,000 bullets.

Edit: Lol, I just noticed Clint Eastwood is not even looking at where he's shooting on the poster.

The Guns of Navarone (1961)

It's like Where Eagles Dare played a little more down to Earth, but I liked the characters less, find Gregory Peck kind of dull as an actor. Peck plays a British officer who is chosen for a top secret mission because he can speak German and Italian perfectly and knows how to climb cliffs, but the American actor speaks all three accents badly.

Do you remember that scene in Saving Private Ryan where the American is killed by a German whom the team spared earlier? It's a recurring theme in American/British war movies. Show no mercy, mercy will be the end of you, whatever you do is justified, because we're the good guys.

There's a spectacular scene where they are in a storm at sea, spectacular because I am so used to such scenes from that era looking so staged, with obvious rear projection/matte paintings and weak turbulence. This time I was convinced.

I don't know if I can call the movie good. I would almost feel like I was being nice.

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#6703  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Sexy Beast (2000)


How did Jonathan Glazer get Ben Kingsley, Ray Winstone and Ian McShane in his first movie? Good crime movie, tension most of the way through, edgy (the good and wee bit cringe of that), a very intense, pissed-off Kingsley and also intimidating McShane. Demon was a little weird. With Under the Skin also watched (2014 and 2021), I can now check out Zone of Interest without being a tourist.

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#6704 Warm_Gun
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)


Tim Burton with Johnny Depp, Christopher Walken and Danny Elfman again. Also, Christina Richi. I want one more return with the witch played by Michelle Pfeiffer. Miranda Richardson was good, though. Not a memorable Elfman score, but I'd rather listen to his work than most of the electronic, non-orchestral composers scoring movies now.

It's based on "The Legend of," but so different that it's a weird original story. For it's flaws, like feeling a bit too modernized, including an extravagant chase sequence towards the end that I could do without, and probably my own shortcoming of having trouble following part of Ichabod Crane's investigation, it's a keeper, more than many of the movies that I keep.

The movie looks ashen. It's... fine. I think we'll look on that period in movies as one of the briefest fads in color timing. Or so I hope. There were a couple of CG backgrounds that I wished were shot on location or perhaps even matte paintings. Yeah, matte paintings still looked more realistic at that time.

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#6705 brimmul777
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Thelma & Louise. 8/10. Still better then most movies released today.

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#6706 uninspiredcup
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For Your Eyes Only - A few nice sequences but I find this movie kind boring on a rewatch.

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#6707  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964)


Fourth movie and best sequel so far. Now it's weird. Weird is good. Cared more for the trio's plight.

What's up with that moving turtle skeleton on the irradiated island, lol.

Same cheese, but last line about a world of mutual trust felt more deserved this time than the message pulled out of the ass at the end of King Kong vs. Godzilla the year before.

This time Toho was nice enough to place their watermark on the letterbox.

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#6708 Warm_Gun
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The Princess and the Frog (2009)

It's okay. Competent execution of kind of a boring concept, with so much focus testing and painting within the corpo lines that it feels too much like mere product filling out the company's portfolio for the year. I wonder what could have been of drawn movies if Disney had tried sincerely to tell a story that was mature. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was made for children, but it was mature. What's the appeal of two talking frogs in a dank swamp with a musical crocodile who wants to play his trumpet with humans, smothered in tomfoolery and oafishness? Childish. Villain reminded me too much of Jafar, including some of his facial expressions.

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#6709  Edited By firedrakes
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Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken

average cgi movie.

nice water effect.

lighting ehhhh

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#6710 Litchie
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Watched Uncharted on Netflix. It made me upset.

They spend millions of dollars, to create that? There are children in the world starving to death, and this is what money goes to? I think I will retire from movie watching. Haven't seen a good new movie the last 15 years or so.

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#6711 brimmul777
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Terminator 2,it never gets old.

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#6712  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964), the fifth Godzilla.

Princess from a country of anime characters is targeted for assassination, and the assassins are unaware that she has been taken control of by a prophet from Venus, who came to warn humanity about the planet-destroying Ghidorah. Of course they look Japanese, like the people of Infant Island in the last movie. She's protected by a cop, brother of a female news reporter, and the two of them also keep in touch with a professor studying one of the big rocks that crashed to Earth. The tiny telepathic twin women from Infant Island who sing to their precious Mothra (a giant moth) from the last movie (screenshot in my previous post) are back, which is nice. Akira Kurosawa veteran Takashi Shimura thought the story was good enough to return as a different character, a doctor, nine years later. The princess asks before the movie ends if she might ever get her powers back, and the doctor says that such knowledge is beyond their understanding, which amused me by reminding me of earlier in the movie where they ask how she could have survived her airplane explosion and immediately in the next scene a scientist says right into the camera that there are rifts between dimensions and the explosion must have driven her into another.

The fights of giants are so goofy. Godzilla kicking rocks and tumbling around, the giant bird with small wingspan picking him up... When they started playing volleyball with a big rock in their fight, I had both hands on my cheeks with a grin, almost cringing. When Godzilla clapped his hands together while the twins translated for the human heroes and Mothra mediated (trying to convince them to team up against the three-headed monster) I almost laughed. And when the twins said "But Godzilla and Rodan each demand that the other apologize" (after Mothra said "Let's let bygones be bygones") I finally broke into (suppressed) laughter. I wonder if the crew and actors ever felt the same. I think they had to, to some extent.

I liked it! I could have watched probably smart movies, have plenty in my backlog, but this series is currently what I go to when I feel lazier and just want dumb entertainment.

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3rd viewing of said film. Michael Gambon is the standout actor. Causing fear and dread wherever he goes, with his wife in tow, mainly to his newly acquired restaurant with a newly hired cook. Fanciful plays on color and sumptuous foods on display. Great film.

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I skipped this one when I worked at a movie theater in the early 00's. Not sure I would like it then. Not sure whether I like it after seeing it, all these years later. There were some things I enjoyed others not so much. Decidedly not laugh out loud funny. But entertaining.

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#6714  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Paint Your Wagon (1969)

Almost three hours long. Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood in polyandry with Jean Seberg. Oh, she was that woman from Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless. Looked much different nine years later (without pixie haircut). Marvin couldn't sing. Eastwood wasn't much better. The songs aren't very good. The green valley town where they mine gold is one of the nicer ones I've seen in westerns. Climax was funny at first, but tried too hard to be.

Also gay.

Mostly it looked pretty and frequently it was one of the worst UHDs I ever watched, especially shots of the sky, the blue breaking up into boxes above the trees and people's heads and swarming around or frozen, all pixelly. Nice job, Kino Lorber.

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#6716 montymurazik
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The last movie I watched is "Salar," which I watched on the Pikashow app.

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#6717 pillarrocks
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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Boring movie, I literally fell asleep watching it and I haven't watched this movie since I was in college. Only part I liked was the Invincible Man getting set on fire and running away. 2/10

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#6718 Warm_Gun
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Invasion of Astro-Monster (1965)

Now, pulpy science fiction. Two explorers with the human space agency (Can't remember the name, but it includes America and Japan.) find an alien race on a newly discovered satellite of Jupiter, Planet X, who offer humanity the cure for cancer in exchange for Godzilla and Rodan in their fight against the astro-monster, which turns out to just be Ghidorah again. Misleading title, with previous movie already named after the monster. Not all is as it seems. They're really just taking the piss with Godzilla at this point. He does a victory dance.

Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)

This one goes into new territory again, campy adventure. Young man steals yacht to find his brother, taking an unwilling thief and boys he met with him. They are stranded on an island where an evil organization builds atomic bombs. I like Godzilla as a vehicle for different kinds of stories. This one isn't good, too many conveniences/coincidences to be good, but fun.

I would research what the best modern Japanese Godzilla movies are. I want to know what he looks like and how convincing he is now. But maybe I'll just watch them all in sequence.

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#6719 Warm_Gun
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The Island (2005)

Michael Bay's Logan's Run and THX of sorts. It's okay. Has good structure, but is stupid. So many stupid things that pointing out the few I can remember right now would be unfair to all the others. Like almost twenty years ago, I wondered what it could have been if not made by an action junkie placing product for every company that offered, even inside the facility that's closed off from society. Gives the whole thing a subtle dullness.

Liked this shot of the director of the cloning company speaking to the adult child as the glasses reflect his hand gestures.

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#6720 brimmul777
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American History X. Good movie.8/10.

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#6721 uninspiredcup
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Wicked City (1987 film) - This movie is not for everyone and def should not have been watching it when on scifi when was 8.

For all the horrible nightmarish shit in it, it's a weirdly optimistic story. Also slightly abstract as well, Fulci like at times.

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#6723 horgen  Moderator
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Spy Hard.

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#6724  Edited By Warm_Gun
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The Young Master (1980)


When he's at the school with his master, he's a meek, crying bitch boy (Jackie really tries to make the breaking down in front of his master convincing.), but when he is sent out on his own to bring back his adoptive brother, he becomes a cocky bastard. One of the better Jackie Chan movies, even if not all the fights displayed the power that he would polish later. Already pretty inventive and happy to make himself the fool. But I watched Drunken Master '78 before, so not surprising. Anyway, made me smile. Ends on a hill with a fight against a much older man, Hwang In-shik, who moves shockingly well. Oh, apparently only thirteen years older. Shame he didn't have a bigger career. Had the face for it. Yuen Biao from many other Jackie Chan (and Sammo Hung) movies is here too.

Along with this movie, I added Half a Loaf of Kung Fu, Spiritual Kung Fu, The Fearless Hyena, Fearless Hyena II and My Lucky Stars to the collection, which will bring it to 21.

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#6725 Warm_Gun
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Son of Godzilla (1967)

Takes place on small island, like the last movie. But the research team tries to do good work, unlike evil organization in last one. That's a ugly baby. Looks like some THING crawling on the floor. Better as it matures in the movie, but can tell its presence will be a problem in the sequels. "I have to save the world again. Oh, gotta take baby along." Kind of weird seeing a Japanese woman in pants from that time.

Fearless Hyena (1979)

It's the 1970s. Bruce Lee died only a few years ago. You know that you won't be better than him. So you decide that you will be known for getting your ass kicked and making it look good. And it's glorious. Jacky Chan's (The credit spelled him that way.) character wants revenge (like in Drunken Master) after he loses someone halfway into the movie (like in Drunken Master) and is taught weird fighting styles (drawing from emotion) designed to mentally throw off opponent (like in Drunken Master). More random silliness than in Drunken Master, though, including a long cross-dress fight scene. The most Chinese Chan movie I've watched so far, with those outfits and stupid makeup. Spotted a couple of western dress shirts in The Young Master (1980).

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#6726  Edited By Warm_Gun
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JFK (1991)

Much of it made me think it's not really material for a drama or felt cheesy, but climax was pretty effective. Conspiracy also shot in so many directions sometimes that I couldn't follow.

Really sloppy coup.

I knew that Seinfeld moment with the magic spit ball by (Kramer and Newman think) Keith Hernandez was based on this movie, but was amused that Wayne Knight was used to demonstrate in the movie as well.

"Why do we have to leave, daddy? Don't you love us anymore?"

Yuck. They do this almost every time because they need to make drama somewhere in the "Based on true events." Protagonist really obsessed, which hurts marriage. Makes me a little more appreciative of the protagonist in Zero Dark Thirty, that movie about hunting Osama bin Laden. She's obsessed too, but thankfully doesn't have a relationship to harm with it, has no life in fact, so no generic dialogue about her not being involved in this family anymore.

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#6727 brimmul777
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Alien 3. 4/10. Cheesy crap. Horrible FX. The first 2 Alien films were much better.

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#6728 Traumdeutung
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Just finished watching [Dream Girl]! What about you? Also, if you're into exploring the depths of your dreams, don't forget to visit my dreams website for fascinating insights and discussions!

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#6729  Edited By Warm_Gun
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King Kong (2005)

Opted for the old 1080p after seeing that the 4K is torched. Even with the old having that green, doesn't look so harsh.

Too steeped in darkness to be a classic adventure movie, and I don't excuse it just because the first mate Mr. Hayes said it isn't after quoting Heart of Darkness. Jackson is too sentimental for King Kong. Too many dramatic slow motion moments, too much gazing into each other's eyes, Anne too sympathetic for the beast, reaching weird affection. Like the 1998 Godzilla movie hunching Godzilla over like a dinosaur, Jackson just turned King Kong into a bland gorilla that always walks on all fours. Think this partly is because of the sentimentality as well. People feel more for animals, so they think, "Just make it a big gorilla, as true to the real thing as possible." Cuter if they have accidents, like rock falling on head after being angry.

Naomi Watts was already too old for the role. Kept thinking about it.

Weird how Andy Serkis's character grieves over the Asian who wasn't even a character.

Because depicting brown people as savages is a no-go, a lot of them are just white people in makeup. Could tell with the first one, that little girl who bites the director played by Jack Black.

Abominable snowman line was awful.

Too many incredible setpieces, and I mean it in the bad sense of the word. The action is unbelievable.

Spielberg's monster chases looked better, had more weight.

I find the opening montage of different people in New York doing different things, all the poor, food lines, shacks in Central Park, kids playing ball, the buildings being made, mixed with the other actors in Anne's stage work, illogical. Why would you present the film as if it's us looking back in time? If you wanna place us in the time, if you wanna put us in the shoes of the characters, then you have to treat those things as if they are mundane. Meaning you show the story instead.


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#6730  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Versus (2000)

Basically, "This isn't very good. It's dragging. But I want to see what craziness they do next." Action without walls, all out in a forest. Meaning they had to challenge themselves with the ridiculous gunplay and acrobatics all the time. While always trying to look cool, in that 1990s way. Reminded me why that planned Matrix movie is so hopeless. Totally a product of the time.

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#6732 Warm_Gun
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All Monsters Attack (1969)


Godzilla number 10, supposedly the worst, sitting at 3.9 on IMDB. Found it kind of cute. Little kid hangs out with Godzilla's child on Monster Island in his dreams, applies what he learned to get away from some bank robbers. Nice cinematography. I've seen worse in this series, like Godzilla Raids Againand King Kong vs. Godzilla.

Showing that some of the titles suck, I thought number 9 was All Monsters Attack and was confused that some called it the worst one, because in that one (Destroy All Monsters) all the monsters attack, mind-controlled by aliens. See also Invasion of Astro-Monster being the movie after Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, with the astro-monster just being Ghidorah again.

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#6733 pillarrocks
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Definitely a good movie though not as great as Die Hard or Die Hard 2. The CGI is really terrible for the truck scene with the freeway bridge and the aircraft plane shooting missiles. 7/10

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#6734  Edited By Warm_Gun
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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)


Terry Gilliam number seven for me, the worst one. Topic doesn't really interest me, but good filmmaking. Pair get away with anything and everything somehow. Found Johnny Depp fake.

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#6735 Grouchu
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Ghostbusters: Frozen empire. I enjoyed it.

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#6736 Warm_Gun
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Wall Street (1987, Oliver Stone)


Good story about Wall Street greed with unfortunate speeches, released two months after Black Monday. Didn't understand a lot of the buying and selling of numbers, but it was enough that I understood who used and squashed who. Martin and Charlie Sheen play father and son, Martin representing the working class as union leader of an airline and Charlie a stockbroker who wants to work for wealthy Wall Street player played impressively by Michael Douglas (outshining Charlie). Douglas' character convinces him to break the law (insider trading). After Martin's character gets a heart attack, Charlie's character tells him that he has another twenty years left. Wonder if son will still outlive father.

A movie with both Michael Douglas and James Spader in which neither of them have sex.

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#6737 Warm_Gun
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Knife in the Water (1962)

Married couple pick up a young hitchhiker on the road; the husband, an experienced yachtsman, pretty masculine, invites him on his boat. Title refers to the boy being out of his element on the water. The husband makes fun of him for it. Scored with mellow jazz. I read that it was a thriller beforehand, and... Actually, have to stop. Can't give it away. But it's different. The way it plays on expectation. The most mundane Roman Polanski movie I ever watched, but one of the better ones in my opinion. His first movie, made in Poland.

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#6738  Edited By Warm_Gun
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The Batman

Couldn't follow large part of the rather boring story that thought it had to be so detective instead of adventure, but concept is actually idiotic. Sick of the idealists who want to destroy Gotham City, every single movie, because anything less might be considered campy. Riddler even has followers who were in the orphanage with him and are willing to fully commit for him, BULLSHIT. You'd think we'd see people committing political violence in this country for the things people rightfully hate the government for, but no, that's not how it works, yet in gritty Batman world Riddler is part of a selfless fucking team fighting for vengeance, for NOTHING. The gimp can't just want money. Catwoman shit portrayal too, with lame daddy issues and revenge for her friend instead of focus on stealing. Mayor's goodness was embarrassing, more bullshit. Bruce Wayne and Batman too much alike, because movie has to dwell in melancholy like the licensed song from that band I can't listen to.

Couple of rubber CG fights or parts of fights, as well as vehicles, making the practicals and even clunky fighting in Nolan's movies look more impressive.

Really don't care for the samurai motif of his suit. How are his contact lens cameras powered? Bullshit.

The meme pics about Batman movies getting darker and darker, that's not my problem with the cinematography here. I wish it actually were darker, that it used a fuller range instead of having these elevated greys all over.

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#6739 uninspiredcup
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Challenger Disaster lost tapes: Takes a lot to get to me, the thing that was disturbing about this was the way it was presented. Almost all of the documentary is just footage of Christa McAuliffe and the optimism with the outcome at the back of your mind.

Never thought see something on Disney+ that's unsettling but their you go.

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#6740 brimmul777
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Alone. Was ok,not great.5/10.

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#6741 ahmadm
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Yesterday I watched:

  • The Patience Stone (2012) - Really enjoyed this film.
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#6742 pillarrocks
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Really enjoyed this movie especially the alligators. The alligators were totally unpredictable though the CGI looked pretty good though for alligators. Also loved how it involved a hurricane which made things worse with water putting the town underwater and the people in danger. 8/10