• hardwenzen’s Activity
  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    @Nonstop-Madness said:@hardwenzen: Why does the initial reception of a live service game matter?There's been plenty of "good" live service games that fail and then plenty of others that should have f...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic A PSN account will be required for GoW Ragnarok PC. on the System Wars board

    They're so desperate to inflate those numbers for shareholders that they're OK with their games selling way less copies. Sony is as desperate as Microsoft these days, real cringe.

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    @Nonstop-Madness said:It's hard to say.Conceptually, it's certainly derivative but you never truly know how well a live service game will be received until folks get their hands on it. There's just t...

  • hardwenzen posted a new image.
  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    Its kinda good to see that i am not the only one that has extreme hatred toward games built with mtx as their core foundation. When it bombs in Sony's face, they'll think twice before investing in a...

  • hardwenzen posted a new image.
  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    @TheEroica said: @hardwenzen said: It didn't only look bad, but the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to shooters. Everything what's wrong with gaming is in this game. Seeing a company tryin...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Bend Studios unannounced new project reportedly already at the $250million budget mark.. on the System Wars board

    Well, at least its a singleplayer game, and not some Microtransaction Store called Concord. But i have no interest in a sequel of Days Gone. After watching Civil War from A24, i want a movie with thi...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    It didn't only look bad, but the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to shooters. Everything what's wrong with gaming is in this game. Seeing a company trying their hardest to create characte...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Help me help you help me like Elden Ring. on the System Wars board

    As someone who is counting hours to the dlc, if it hasn't clicked within 5-8h, don't force yourself, its not for you. SPOILER

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: He has been shaken to the core. Very difficult to achieve, but not impossible. I have a couple of images because of the constant lies. Its easy to post a picture as ...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @jaydan said:@hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy: You're very lazy with those pics clearly showcasing how right i was.I'm jealous bro. I want someone to have a folder dedicated entirely to me on their deskt...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy: You're very lazy with those pics clearly showcasing how right i was.

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: @hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: See the image, I understand any attention for you is good but one day you would learn contradicting yourself isn'...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: @hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: I'll leave this here. You leave it here to spread how accurate my prediction were? Looks like you're my new Adori...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @jaydan said: Better without thanking Phil.

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: I'll leave this here. You leave it here to spread how accurate my prediction were? Looks like you're my new Adoring Fan.See the image, I understand ...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:@hardwenzen: Sorry but us Aussies can't take your animals seriously. So i'm not going to waste my time watching your video of a moose.Here's what I see when I see a Moose Try ...

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic Do reviews matter anymore. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:I'll leave this here. You leave it here to spread how accurate my prediction were? Looks like you're my new Adoring Fan.

  • hardwenzen posted a message in the forum topic RUMOUR: Microsoft to buy Valve/Steam. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: @hardwenzen said: @tdkmillsy said: You have been WRONG about so many things including this.I am not wrong, tho. You want to pull everything around y...