• ermacness’s Activity
  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Sony: PS5 Generation is The Most Profitable To Date; Spiderman2 and HD2 sells more than 11M. on the System Wars board

    @above_average said:@saint-george said: Sales and profits....because you have no games to talk about! Notice #1 Once again, a xbox fans talk and nothing but stupid comes outIf anyone was to look up t...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic PS Co-CEO: Live Service Games to PC Day 1. Single Player Games Later to Entice PC Owners to Play on a PlayStation. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:Sony are fools, if you want Hermits to buy a PS then don't release any games on PC period. That way Hermit know that the only way is to buy a PS.But now that you've open the floodgates...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Elden Ring Story Trailer. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:@ermacness: I find hack n slash games uninteresting for the most part, but there are some I do play, just rarely.I just find Froms games boring. And I'm allowed to feel that way, wheth...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Elden Ring Story Trailer. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said: You’re becoming more like that Ghost guy who loves to hate on popular titles that the majority seems to love. Is this all for attention?

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic BLOPS 6 coming to gamepass - Trailer later today. on the System Wars board

    So I don’t have to buy this year CoD? That’s great news!

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic How incredibly laughable. The PS5 is outselling the Xbox 5:1 this past quarter.. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@ermacness said: @tdkmillsy said: @ermacness said: @tdkmillsy said: @hardwenzen: WRONG AGAINMicrosoft knew the minute they put games day 1 on PC they where never going to compete with...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic How incredibly laughable. The PS5 is outselling the Xbox 5:1 this past quarter.. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@ermacness said: @tdkmillsy said: @hardwenzen: WRONG AGAINMicrosoft knew the minute they put games day 1 on PC they where never going to compete with playstation.In fact everyone but ...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic GTA 6 could be the first game over $70!. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:@ermacness: Geez dude trying to take some moral high ground here.You're a cow on here and have had opinions that one could say is derogatory against an entire fanbase (lems) but now yo...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic GTA 6 could be the first game over $70!. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:@ermacness: By me calling them suckers is my opinion and we're all allowed to have one. If you don't think people paying a higher price for GTA makes you a sucker then that's your opin...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic GTA 6 could be the first game over $70!. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap said:@ermacness: I don't care if you or anyone else shares it or not., we're all allowed to have our own opinion on it.I hope they charge a hundred for it just to see people like you bend o...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic How incredibly laughable. The PS5 is outselling the Xbox 5:1 this past quarter.. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen: WRONG AGAINMicrosoft knew the minute they put games day 1 on PC they where never going to compete with playstation.In fact everyone but very select Cows know this and the...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Well I'll be, Ghost of Tsushima is a major hit on PC! (And who says PC players are pirates?). on the System Wars board

    @davillain said:Make no mistake, Sony has struck gold releasing GoT on PC:I guess all that noise regarding needing a PSN account didn't really had an effect on the game itself since its a SP focus in...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Hellblade 2 Score prediction time. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@hardwenzen said: @R4gn4r0k said: @hardwenzen said: A miserable 7/10 on GS and about 73 on meta. Remember, this is the best MS has to offer this year🤣Built for gamepass quality for yo...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Only 7 percent of Tekken 8 players are on Xbox.. on the System Wars board

    @saint-george said:Boasting about coming 2nd in the player count of a game that scored an 8.Best stick to console sales,ey silly bolloxYet you praised Starfield to the high heavens against ps owners ...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Most Downloaded PS5 Games for April. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@ermacness: 1, so what's your pointSo Sony released 1 game and it’s 1st in the charts. So how does this look bad for Sony?

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Most Downloaded PS5 Games for April. on the System Wars board

    @saint-george said:@ermacness said: @saint-george said: Damn...xbox studio's keeping PlayStations alive with the resurgence of fallout,old stuff and call of duty.Cows be wishing they did'nt make the c...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Most Downloaded PS5 Games for April. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy said:@ermacness said: @saint-george said: Damn...xbox studio's keeping PlayStations alive with the resurgence of fallout,old stuff and call of duty.Cows be wishing they did'nt make the con...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Most Downloaded PS5 Games for April. on the System Wars board

    @saint-george said: Damn...xbox studio's keeping PlayStations alive with the resurgence of fallout,old stuff and call of duty.Cows be wishing they did'nt make the console war all about sales and profi...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic Ghost of Tsushima PC is Being Delisted & Refunded in Countries Without PSN.. on the System Wars board

    @Antwan3K said:@saint-george said: Cows... if this was Xbox, there would be headlines, threads, and deep-dive opinion peices about how Xbox management needs to be all fired, there is something funda...

  • ermacness posted a message in the forum topic EA CEO: next Battlefield game will be a tremendous live service. on the System Wars board

    As a fan of the series (not so much of their latest entry) this is a “wtf” moment for me especially after 2042. Although I didn’t think that BFV was a bad game personally, it was definitely shunned b...