• Macutchi’s Activity
  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @ghosts4ever: should try shogun. i'm on ep5 and it's fantastic. going to watch more tonight. be warned it does have a good story, not just action

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @uninspiredcup: haha yeah i remember the used to be a man one, sure it got banned

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Help me help you help me like Elden Ring. on the System Wars board

    @lavamelon: yes natural progression, as in just playing through the game.you talk about demon's souls, if you learn the basics i.e. backstab, parry, blocking and stamina management, and you're using r...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    i feel terrible for laughing. poor thingListen to the sound of drama pic.twitter.com/nOAGK9Jc1C — Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3) June 1, 2024

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    IRN-BRU have absolutely smashed this out of the park. 🤣🤝🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 pic.twitter.com/fwiVjM6VEA — Football Tweet ⚽ (@Football__Tweet) June 1, 2024

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @uninspiredcup: ok yeah i take your point about the under the bridge thing. me being naïve. didn't look like they were actually doing anything sexual, or that it might be a regular thing that men meet...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    apparently, people from non english speaking countries can take the phrase "motherf*cker" literally. number one pound for pound fighter in the world vs the best ufc fighter to never win a belt's last ...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @uninspiredcup: respectfully disagree.i see a video called "the day i went to war with manchester" and hear the guy filming start by talking about going to a "cesspit" and "we're going to get some act...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Too much focus on graphics is killing AAA gaming. on the System Wars board

    @mrbojangles25 said: Yes, the whole "trying to be like Hollywood" thing especially annoys me.Storytelling in games should, in most cases, be a "show me, don't tell me" immersive type of experience. I...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Remakes, VR, PC & Shovelrware are all the rage now for the M@@'s. on the System Wars board

    @tdkmillsy: be honest, have you got him locked in your basement?

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @uninspiredcup said:@Macutchi: Been watching multiple videos about Manchester with assholes walking round with a camera why lol? look like videos made by scrotes going out of their way to cause shit...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Help me help you help me like Elden Ring. on the System Wars board

    @lavamelon said:I beat the original Demon’s Souls game that was released in 2009. And I will tell you this: these games require lots of time grinding for souls/XP in order to make yourself stronger (...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @Pedro said:Flip flopping between Hellblade 2 and Crisis Core. These developers really hate gameplay. Hellblade 2 despises the idea of giving the player any agency, so it force feeds you overly drama...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Best Science Fiction action movies? what are they?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    terminator 2 remastered was on sky movies the other night, not seen it in ages, still holds up really well.not seen starship troopers or dune 2 mentioned. starship troopers is always fun satire, has a...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic It's looking like a HUGE shift is coming and maybe GAME OVER for Sony. on the System Wars board

    @gifford38 said:so 4 games is over drive?anything can be true if you say it in ALL CAPS

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Too much focus on graphics is killing AAA gaming. on the System Wars board

    i don't think it's anywhere near as simple as that.graphics continue to improve as they have done with every gen. there's an occasional leap rather than step forward (crysis, hellblade 2 etc) but as f...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @Pedro: saw that on twitter yesterday. got to be in the running for stupidest criminal of the year lol. lords of the fallen just landed on gamepass

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    as far as prepping for shadow of the erdtree goes, she wins

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic System wars Lounge V89: (Chicken Salt edition). on the System Wars board

    @ghosts4ever said:So finally watch avengers endgame. its kinda boring. all talk talk and emotions. we don't watch super heroes for emotion. we watch so they perform action. although ending is good an...

  • Macutchi posted a message in the forum topic Mr. Freeze is coming to " SSKTJL" can they/them save the game?. on the System Wars board

    @Litchie said:This thread reads like "look, now they went and made Mr Freeze an ugly woman". That's wrong, innit?yep, fake news.@silentchief said:So destroying characters is worth it as long as an ext...