An enjoyable, helicopter style flight-sim combat game

User Rating: 8 | Apache: Air Assault PS3
I like the concept as well as the gameplay, I like flight sim games, this one is a winner.
Once you get used to the flight characteristicsof the included helicopters, its enjoyable. The AI enemy is relentless. A player cant just run and gun, there has to be strategy, if not a meeting with the ground is highly likely. (Getting shot down.)
I've tried multiplayer, its fun as well.
Basically an airborne FPS.
I did have one negative observation, targeting is hard because so much stuff is going on that a person cant focus too much attention on a particular system (trying to lock onto targets with Hellfires while being shot at with RPG's)
In a real combat helicopter one person cant control this much stuff, it's only a game so dont beat this one up too much.
This one came in under the radar as far as advertising, but it is a keeper!