A message for all the people who have a problem with the Dark Messiah story or killing sistem (notice: justice is home)!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
I love the game. I disagree with the people who said that the story line is lame or boring, Although the player can guess the story very easily and in the early parts of the game, the story line keeps developing while you play. The option of player to choose between 4 story lines to continue with, is more than enough to satisfy the player. And i know there are games that emphasize this aspect of the game more then Dark Messiah, but nevertheless, DM is offering a fascinating line that is supported by a choice and effect system. And for all the people who say that it's annoying to kill the enemies, that "magically" standing near a shack that if you will destroy the support column with a swift sword attack will collapse of the enemy, i have 2 things to say to you: 1) You don't have to kill them that way! the game is allowing to you to kill the enemy in almost in every way possible. 2) Are you really saying that killing a group of enemies by kicking them into a bonfire, cause a wall to collapse on them with your bow, or using a deadly spell to throw them across the room isn't fun for you?