Repetitive combat? yeah, repetativly brilliant!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
As usual i will write my review in typical GS form:
The Good:
Staggeringly brilliant combat, i find it hard to believe that GS found it repetative. In every fight there are a few different ways to go about killing the enemy, depending partially on class but mostly on how you choose, you could for example attract their attention so they run at you, then use a freeze spell on the floor so they slip over at your feet and you can impale them with whatever close combat weapon you have handy in a brilliantly gory animation, or you could fire an arrow at a weak pillar holding up a platform and drop the contents of the platform on top of your foes or you could sneak through the shadows, backstab one enemy and wait for his freind to come up and see what has happened, as he inspects the corpse you backstab him too!
Great story, another thing which gs criticised. I really enjoyed the element of choice you get near the end and the fact that all the way through you feel like your working for good and evil at once, the weapons in the game are all fantastic and feel that way, you can either go down the route of bows and arrows which are obviously good at killing people from range, daggers which are fast weapons that can be used to backstab enemies when you have the skill, staffs which are great for fighting groups of enemies but are quite slow and dont do a great deal of damage and you also have your classic sword and shield also the spells are all brilliant, you get things like freeze with which you can freeze the floor to make enemies slip or just freeze the enemy, then there is fire trap which is basically an invisible mine, lightning bolt, inferno which is is like having a flamethrower on the end of your finger, and the fights against the cyclops are really fun and the voice acting is great, soo much gore :D and to top if off, Xana is HOT :D

The Bad:
Ghouls just arent fun, they are tough, fast and do a lot of damage, they have no weakness which makes them quite a boring and frustrating enemy, City of flames is quite a poor level, some of the boss fights are just awful, leanna is really annoying, almost no checkpoints so if you forget to quicksave it can throw you back a long time, the game isnt really short but it isnt exactly long

Overall a great game with a few minor faults, i would recomend to anyone