Game compromises Story for Gameplay and Graphics.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
After the epic release of TES4 - Oblivion, it was no wonder for UbiSoft to come up with a game of a similar period.

As we all know - UbiSoft has the dominance over graphical technology. Be it one of worst games made ever in history - There are no chances for it to have dented graphics if made by UbiSoft.

This game is on a different table. The game first of all amazes your eyes with its stunning graphical techonology - With the aid of great character physics to the eye catching ambients - All of them have high detail in them.

The sounds are also succesful of putting the effect of the era to the gamer. From the music - To the great voice acting, everything has been mastered here too.

And now - None the less, the gameplay! This aspect too has been put under a lot of good work. Weapons have been cleverly programmed with identical behaviour. Great combat tactics & moves are also a fulfillment for those who want gore - with the aid of adrenaline. Also, being a fantasy game - The magic spells to cast their charm over the game. Each charm has a distincitve effect with a respective reaction to whom it has been cast at. Great inventory items also aid gameplay.

But all these were not combined with a great story - which made it lack lustre. There was actually no story in the game - The way how the game proceeded was dull and arcade-like 'repititive'. This made the game a human vs bot combat type - which ruined all the potential of the game, which would have been one of the great titles if it had a 'Story!'.