Brilliant Game, though a little broken.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Dark Messiah is a amazingly fun game but is let down a little by the glitches and bugs that make it unplayable on some PCs. There are patches out there now that help to fix these bugs and they make it well worth a try.

In Dark Messiah you play a sorcerer's apprentice who has an unknown family history. As the game progresses you will learn to be a mage, warrior, thief or your own mix of the three and will learn of your backround and heritage.

The Game is a made as a first person RPG with some of the most intuitive commands for close combat fighting and magic use. You will also be able to kick enemies allowing you to push them backwards usually into traps or off cliffs. After getting used to this style of combat you will wonder why every game doesnt use it.
Use of Physics Traps also aids your combat skills and can help in killing large numbers of enemies or the brutish trolls. Just over half way through the game another combat mode is unlocked but I will not give it away here.

This game was obviously made as a single player game as the multiplayer for it is far more limited and is only average. Though a little different maybe as it keeps its RPG style and allows for a mixture of magic and close combat, the physics traps aren't available and kick is removed. This means it isn't as fun as it could be to play online.

Overall this game is alot of fun to play and is well worth the time to try. If it works on your PC you will play through without too many problems and will be left wanting a 2nd game after completing it.