Better then you might think, and well worth the $5 price tag.

User Rating: 7.5 | Defend Your Castle WII
Defend you castle is very addictive, and a well put together game. The visuals arn't anything amazing, and are far to basic, but it's supposed to look like that. The "motion controls" work perfectly, it's better then using the mouse on your computer. And you don't have to worry about beating the game, because the levels go on forever, it goes from level 1 to 99,999.......
Not that you will ever even got to level 100. I have reached about level 35 or so, and it is already very very hard. But thankfully, you can play the game with 4 players, which only adds to the crazyness. The game consists on one castle, and an endless amout of stick men, stick men with pop-sickle sticks, giant stick men, and exploding stick men. But thats the problem, there is a serious lack of different stick men, with only 4 differen't types. But there is a leveling up aspect, that realy carries the game to new heights. for you can convert enemy stick men to your side, as archers, wizards, castle fixing guys, and suicidal guys, which will kamakazi into the crowd of enemy sick men. And also you can add more "helth" (as they spell it) by making your castel walls taller. The game is simple, but addictive, and because flicking stickmen into the air and watching them splat to the ground, never gets old, and all of the above an be yours for only $5 so you pretty much have nothing to lose, it's a great game that is once again, only $5!!!!