Worth the Five Bucks!

User Rating: 8.5 | Defend Your Castle WII
Defend Your Castle is a remake of the classic flash game. If you loved the flash game (just google it) you will enjoy this. The graphics are very unique, as if a little kid drew them. The game is very addictive giving and gives you some light strategy (focus on building the simple and weak archers, spend your troops on the powerful but one time only demolition men, save money by making masons who repair your castle, or invest in the powerful but costly Wizard). You'll get two modes, normal and hard, you can play it with 4 players (which can get competitive as the one with first place holds all the micromanagement), and that's about it. My only true compaint is that more enemies would have been nice (but in later levels you'll have hundreds coming at your which is a blast). Ultimately it's a minigame, but a very fun minigame. Considering that a couple cups of coffee run us five bucks, DYC is a steal, I can waste hours on this game. Until Dr. Mario comes out this is the best WiiWare title (and will probably be the best when it comes to mulitplayer).