if you want a game that you can play for 400 hours then this the game for you

User Rating: 9.5 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 PS3
Let me say that i played this game 400+ hours, pretty much this game plays like fire emblem and final fantasy tactics, except that this is like 5 million times more epic and is actually pretty fast paced.

You know how most rpgs let you get to lvl 99 or 100, well this has a cap of 9999, no lies. Every weapon can be lvled up to 200. this is just the beginning of how epic the scope of this games is. The level of customization is incredible.

The way this game works is that you use the grid system for movement like in fire emblem and you get 10 character that can be out at one in battle, but if one dies then that space is still taken, and not too worry because unlike fire emblem o if your character dies he can be revived at the hospital after the battle. The battles have many options for you to use, such as most character can lift and throw other characters and whats more is that they can be stacked 10 high, and is a great wy to move a particular character or item across the map. You also have a standard attack that does moderate damage or there is also a list of special attacks tht your chracter unlock that do devestating damage for rather cheap mp costs. And the attacks are ridiculous or rather the animations are, the is one that makes your character jump to to moon and he launches a chunk at the enemies damaging a 3x3 area.

There is a great story about a young demon who is in shool but never shows up and causes trouble all the time which in demon society makes him the top honor student. he is also the son of the demon overlord of the netherworld. Its chalk full of laughs and funny characters.

pretty much you should buy this gme